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One of the most challenging aspects of reading from a teleprompter has always been speed control. 除非你把速度调得恰到好处, 你要么加快叙述速度,要么放慢叙述速度, and either adjustment adds stress to your 交付 that can force a glitch and another retake. 幸运的是, Elgato has two hardware options you can use to control scrolling speed; the Stream Deck+ ($199.99美元)和Stream Deck Pedal(89美元).99). 埃尔加托好心地把两种选择都发给了我, 我将简要叙述一下我在这里的经历.


The $279 Elgato 箴mpter is a unique product that performs well in its namesake role but offers a range of functionality that extends far beyond script reading. You'll find 箴mpter highly useful if you're a frequent video conference participant, 如果您创建屏幕截图或录制产品演示, 即使你制作网络研讨会.

教程:快速导出与Adobe Premiere 箴

在这个快速概述Adobe Premiere 箴的快速导出功能, Stjepan Alaupovic of Clear Online Video explains how producers can improve postproduction efficiency for quickturn projects by exporting a video in just a few clicks.

回顾:黑魔设计微型工作室相机4K G2

Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K G2有很好的升级, USB-C功能强大, 以及高质量的外接固态硬盘录音. The HDMI out is a welcome feature as well in terms of monitoring and being able to change settings wherever the camera might be used.


本文将重点介绍OvenMedia-Engine, AirenSoft的开源流媒体服务器, 并探索其为直播提供亚秒延迟的功能. The article will also touch on OvenMediaEngine's options for LL-­HLS and WebRTC. 最后,我们将深入研究测试SRT和RTMP摄取选项.


本文探讨了流编码中人工智能的现状, 交付, 回放, 货币化生态系统. By understanding the developments and considering key questions when evaluating AI-powered solutions, streaming professionals can make informed decisions about incorporating AI into their video processing pipelines and prepare for the future of AI-driven video technologies.


随着CTV吸引了比以往更多的广告资金和观众, it's crucial for advertisers to ensure that they are optimizing their reach with the best-targeted data to represent audiences and outcomes, 同时尊重数据隐私法和个人权利. What are the most significant challenges surrounding data identity and the privacy economy in today's CTV advertising ecosystem? How can content owners and platform providers supply advertisers with the user data that will maximize growth without violating personal privacy or privacy laws? And how might the idea of "TV" itself be redefined in an era when multiscreen use beyond the living room is so prevalent?

Q&答:nbc环球公司高级副总裁莫妮卡·威廉姆斯谈论直播奥运会, 跨平台的残雪, 以及元数据的力量

在对莫妮卡·威廉姆斯的广泛采访中, NBCUniversal's SVP of digital products and operations for the company's content distribution business, 我们讨论了数字平台如何在OTT上扩散, CTV, 在线生态系统带来了新的内容分发挑战, 元数据对改善客户体验的好处, and the 17-day everything-must-go-perfectly marathon of distributing the Olympics.

Q&A: Wurl’s Ria Madrid Discusses BrandDiscovery's Groundbreaking Generative AI for CTV Ads

A Q&她与沃尔的Ria Madrid讨论了品牌发现, their new tech that makes it possible for marketers to precisely match CTV ads with the emotion and context of what viewers are watching to create positive attention, 用普鲁契克的情绪之轮. 媒体等合作伙伴.Monks are already driving impressive results for their clients through Wurl's solution, which uses scene-level contextual targeting to help advertisers align the emotional sentiment of their campaign creatives with content closest to the ad break.


说到免费流媒体,美国.S. growth has been fueled by pure players like Pluto TV and Tubi and connected TV platforms like Roku and Samsung looking to feed cord-shavers and cord-cutters in need of a linear viewing experience. These companies have had a head start and a clear path to test and learn for years. 然而, 在过去的18个月里, pay TV players have decided that they too have a role to play in free streaming.


如果你能坚持到最后, you'll learn why it's so hard to start your LinkedIn Live event smoothly (it's not your fault) and some thoughts on how to start like a pro in the future.

Q&A: Google Cloud's Anil Jain Explains How Generative AI Is Driving Digital Transformation for M&E和DTC

对于Anil Jain来说, leading the Strategic Consumer Industries team for Google Cloud has meant helping traditional media companies embrace cloud and AI, 转向以opex为中心的商业模式, and adapt to a more development-oriented mindset in engineering and product management. 在这次采访中, Jain discusses the global shift to cloud-based operations in the media industry, the ways generative AI is disrupting everything from production to packaging to all aspects of the user experience, 媒体公司应该害怕什么,如果他们还没有.


A detailed guide to 2024年流媒体引领趋势的产品和服务.


With the release of vMix 27, Windows producers can now get clean Zoom Meeting inputs in vMix. The best part is that there are no additional upfront or monthly subscription costs to vMix 27users with an HD, 4K, 箴, 或最大许可. 所有需要的是下载缩放插件的vMix. 下面是它的工作原理.


This review will highlight the JW Player online video platform and explore its on-demand streaming, 字幕, Web播放器功能, 还有其他特点. 它将引导观众使用该平台, 包括上传视频等核心功能, 进口流, 以及在媒体库中创建播放列表并配置媒体播放器, 以及更高级的功能. 本文还将讨论使用该平台进行的测试.


在不断变化的视频编解码器许可世界中导航可能很复杂. 本文分析了过去18个月中与ip相关的主要事件, 包括新的欧洲SEP许可规则, Avanci的新视频专利池, 以及Sisvel-RPX交易. 探索谁在做交易, 涉及到哪些技术, 以及对免版税模式的影响


新闻 broadcasting is one of the most exciting and quickly growing areas for FAST development, highlighted by the recent announcement of the BBC/AMC 24-hour live FAST news channel. 其他传统媒体新闻广播公司, 比如斯克里普斯, 辛克莱, 赫斯特, 和《百家乐app下载》, 也进入了FAST新闻领域, 他们中的许多人都专注于本地内容. 快速新闻的当前趋势和挑战是什么? 在本文中,几位领先的行业评论员提供了见解.


2024年是最终选举年. 包括美国在内,共有91个国家加入了该组织.S.,美国.K.美国、印度和27个欧盟国家将举行选举. 在这种情况下, it's no surprise to witness platforms and news outlets finessing their FAST channel strategy. 在这方面,BBC新闻快速频道的推出恰逢其时. BBC新闻现在可以在Pluto TV等平台上作为FAST频道收看, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.

回顾:鸟狗X1 20X PTZ凸轮

Anthony Burokas introduces streaming producers to a brand new BirdDog in the new X1 PTZ cam, 这款手机与过去的型号不同,采用了带有Wi-Fi天线的新设计, 光环统计, 人工智能跟踪, 业界首创的电子墨水显示信心监测.


直播内容以体育为主导, and fan appetite—much like bidding for rights—shows no sign of slowing down as the calendar turns to 2024.